2020 Village Elections
March 18, 2020
11am - 9pm
Calendar of Important Dates
December 2 First day individual may sign primary designating petition (Independence Party)
December 31 First day individual may sign independent nominating petition (Party for a Day)
January 6 First day to file party designation for village primaries
January 7-14 Political parties may publish notice of a party caucus in a newspaper (not more than 2 weeks)
January 9-16 Last day to file declination of party primary designation
January 13-21 Last day to post notice of party caucus in the offices of Village Clerk & BOE:
a) publish notice of the caucus in a newspaper not more than two (2) nor less than one (1) week before the caucus, or
b) post notice of the caucus in six (6) public places in the village at least 10 days before the caucus.
January 13 Last day to file party designation petitions for village primaries (Independence Party)
January 14 Last day to file objections to petitions
January 16 Last day to file specific objections to petitions
January 17 Campaign Receipts & Expenditures filing due
January 21 First day party can hold a caucus
January 28 Village Primary Election Day
January 28 Last day party can hold a caucus
January 30 Last day for CHAIR/PRESIDING OFFICER to file a certificate of nomination to the BOE
January 31 Last day to file written objections to certificate of nominations
February 3 Last day to file declination of nomination
Last day to file specific objections to certificate of nominations
February 4 First day to file an independent nominating petition (Party for a Day)
February 5 Last day to fill vacancy caused by declination of nomination
February 7 Campaign Receipts & Expenditures filing due
February 11 Last day to file independent nominating petitions for general election
February 13 Last day to file written objections to independent petitions
February 14 Last day to file declination of independent petition nomination
Campaign Receipts & Expenditures filing due
February 18 Last day to file specific objections to independent petitions
March 6 Campaign Receipts & Expenditures filing due
Last day individuals may register to vote to vote in the Village Election
March 10 Last day for village clerk to receive applications for absentee ballots
March 11 Last day for village clerk to mail absentee ballots
March 12 Sample ballots available
March 16 Last day for village clerk to receive IN PERSON absentee ballot request